Sunday, 25 February 2018

Writing- Session 2 (Teacher Inquiry Examples)

Thursday 22nd February - PD- Minutes by Anna

Suz’s Inquiry - 6 kids using goal setting strategies and reading recovery strategies. Making use of the matrices and having them front of mind.

Aim: consciously be thinking about what they need to add while writing, strengthening neural networks (letter formation and confusion).

Only one child decided goal for each session. The reflection would influence next steps (the goal for the next day.)

One on one→ transitioned into groups of 2 of 3 based on needs.

What made it an intervention: “Biggest goal was to improve my responsiveness to what I saw and respond immediately. It was also targeted to what I noticed”.

10 minutes each day

Tracked at the end of each week and did vocab test at start and end on inquiry (which was a term).

Reflection: Jumping in BEFORE they wrote, the kids were more conscious and aware of their letter formation and confusion. Is the Davis programme a next intervention? Keeping everything front of mind so you could work on today’s goal, AS WELL as the previous days goals.

Ximena’s Inquiry - How to accelerate priority learner, especially Maori in writing

Successful year of writing in 2016

Broke down into 4 terms and what general focus would be.

Simplified learning goals - created goals in smaller ‘like’ groups

Students chose one goal and would come to one workshop with teacher, then have to practice that goal at least three times before checking with teacher. Students would identify goals with red dots.

Use range of engaging writing prompts and choice writing--along as they were practicing their learning goal.

Reflection: Smaller achievable goals, all students were exposed to other children’s goals but had no pressure to focus on them. There were fun prompts and choice = better engagement. Needed more child voice, what they thought. Big group, so hard to stretch better writers. Could have introduced more mixed ability groups earlier.

John sharing writing from his group

reluctant writer

played with words and came back to shape time and time again

3/ 4 days of work, crafting, playing, shaping process. Green pen use. A page and a half of playing.

Really proud of final result and process

Aim: develop critical eye of kids, so that rather than writing a lot, they are playing with words and choosing the best words, in the best order. What words don’t you need? Using a criteria - does it sounds good? Does it look like a poem?

Gillian sharing writing from her group

Using keywords like ‘can’ and then creating a story with pictures

Sounding words out

Words and stories coming from oral language

Teaching as Inquiry

Team inquiries - ‘overarching’, things that might challenge and shift thinking about writing

Individual Inquiries - ‘ground up’, what the kids in front of us are doing/their needs


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