On our teacher only day, Natalie Hogg, a sports’ psychologist and parent at the school, came and spoke to us about making 2018 even better than last year. She spoke to us about some of her work with the Hurricanes and other sports teams. We ran through some visualisation exercises and talked about wellbeing and its importance to mental health. We were each asked to give one word that represented what we felt we needed to make this year better than last. The team ranged in ideas from unity and vision, to communication, to growth mindset and action. We discussed some of the perceived barriers and made a small action plan for where to next. We’ve already begun implementing some of our ideas with our This Week/Next Week whiteboard in the staffroom to improve our communication and keep everyone on the same page for what’s going one. Natalie also showed us a few helpful diagrams.

This is to help check in: be present in what you’re doing, commit to what you say you want to do, accept that sometimes we are slightly diverted, don’t beat yourself up and carry on.

If you can imagine the big picture goal is at the top of the line and we are walking the line, we are often diverted from the big goal to either avoid or have immediate gratification. Keeping the big picture in mind and not straying too far from it helps you stay grounded, mindful and in good mental health.
Lastly, as a tool to stay on track we have this diagram for actions on a minute to minute basis. Just being mindful of whether your actions are leading you towards or away from your big picture goal is important and being mindful of what is driving you to those choices.
The session was incredibly informative as it gave us practical tools to use to keep us on track towards our big visions. It also helped us clarify what we, as a larger team, feel we can do to improve upon what we already do well. Thanks very much Natalie!
This is to help check in: be present in what you’re doing, commit to what you say you want to do, accept that sometimes we are slightly diverted, don’t beat yourself up and carry on.
If you can imagine the big picture goal is at the top of the line and we are walking the line, we are often diverted from the big goal to either avoid or have immediate gratification. Keeping the big picture in mind and not straying too far from it helps you stay grounded, mindful and in good mental health.
The session was incredibly informative as it gave us practical tools to use to keep us on track towards our big visions. It also helped us clarify what we, as a larger team, feel we can do to improve upon what we already do well. Thanks very much Natalie!
By Gillian
2018 team actions/improvements to support the ‘Campaign’
1. Cohesion/Unity
Increase transparency
The why are we doing this- big picture
Ask questions
Challenge each other
2. Communication
What’s on top- whiteboard in staffroom- advertise what’s going on
Emails- check audience/detail/ timeliness- especially with parents
Trips- improve systems and processes- delegate/clarity
3. Growth
Being open and flexible
Take risks
Quality of feedback
Dream BIG!
Be open
Just do it-action!
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