Saturday, 18 February 2023

Setting the scene for our 2023 Writing PLD, 1st Feb. 2023

 1. A joyful literary culture.

In her book 'I've Got Something to Say', Gail Loane discusses fostering a joyful literary culture in our classrooms (and in our wider lives).

What does a joyful literary culture look like in our classrooms? What will we see, hear, feel?


(i) Write ideas on postits

(ii) Sorting components: physical environment vs. human (pedagogy, teacher actions).

2. We shared our personal experiences of an inspiring creative atmosphere. What are the implications for us in our classrooms?

3. John Hattie: what does it mean to be a successful teacher?

It's what we do from moment to moment in our classrooms that makes a difference.

4. Fostering a joyful literacy culture in our classrooms: what teacher actions can we take?

Stop, keep, start and further blue sky thinking for our own spaces.

5. PLD overview: what's to come?

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