Thursday, 23 February 2023

Writing PLD 1: effective use of writing models

Our writing PLD cycle begins at text level. We know the value of good writing models to demonstrate text types and structures, purpose and voice, vocabulary and punctuation use. Writing models can also provide our students with a way into writing with sentence starters or accessible structures. We can also use text models to explore the choices that writers make and how we might edit and improve our own writing. Models might be published texts or created by our students.

For this session, we each shared at least four models, chosen with our students in mind: how will this writing model advance my students' understanding of texts and give opportunities to improve their writing skills? We tried to think at text, sentence and word level.

Sharing our models in small groups, we explored the uses we could put them to in the classroom.

We also drew some general conclusions based on our discussions.

This is saved here, in this slideshow.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Setting the scene for our 2023 Writing PLD, 1st Feb. 2023

 1. A joyful literary culture.

In her book 'I've Got Something to Say', Gail Loane discusses fostering a joyful literary culture in our classrooms (and in our wider lives).

What does a joyful literary culture look like in our classrooms? What will we see, hear, feel?


(i) Write ideas on postits

(ii) Sorting components: physical environment vs. human (pedagogy, teacher actions).

2. We shared our personal experiences of an inspiring creative atmosphere. What are the implications for us in our classrooms?

3. John Hattie: what does it mean to be a successful teacher?

It's what we do from moment to moment in our classrooms that makes a difference.

4. Fostering a joyful literacy culture in our classrooms: what teacher actions can we take?

Stop, keep, start and further blue sky thinking for our own spaces.

5. PLD overview: what's to come?

Monday, 13 February 2023

Place Value Investigation Launch


UDL and Pos Ed- Staff Only Day - Feb 2023

What’s in my own Toolbox?

What do we want our children to have in their toolkit for representing ideas and learning?

What’s possible?


In groups we selected some tools to represent your learning (from Walk and Talk with Sue podcasts) back to the group - we were invited to be creative ….anything goes, we had some fun!

We have summarised our learning: Staff Only Days 2023 IMPORTANT