Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Play in the Junior School


Questions we had: 

These are the key questions to the junior team:
How do you observe and make sense of that?
How does it look in inquiry
How do you train people up to be play leaders?
How does it operate in terms of changes in personnel?

Positive Education Presentations

We introduced the idea of Term 4 Positive Education presentations. 

The purpose of these presentations is to: 

Build expertise in particular areas of Positive Education 
Teach and learn from each other
These presentations could be used for parent coffee mornings to keep the community informed. 

Here is Nicola's revised 2019 presentation based on "Energy" Chapter in David Keane's book, "Deliberate Art of Success."


Sunday, 12 September 2021

Smackdown- To maintain momentum of student progress


PE and Health - August 2021



Actions: Autahi - Engaging kids in different games that start to build in competition. Teaching skills using equipment that we have available for break times/discovery time. Cycling in yoga/movement into resting time (active relaxing) Including body science - How does my body move? Building up a muscle? Planning to make PE more accessible to students who are fearful. More emphasis on small games. 

Tautoru- When raining, teach skills inside. Come up with a plan for inside locomotor skills (3-4 wet weather activities) Create 2x 35 minute blocks a week for skills teaching rather just one. Putting PE gear out during KLL 

Māhutonga/Matariki- Seniors skills teaching in juniors to raise the profile of some sports. Eg. Netball, Festival Whānau day, Parents and kids Gymnastics, using kids to lead (those who are passionate about it) ASB model within school Build a culture of sports and games in the playground. How does the body work? How does my brain learn. How does work alongside my body? Muscle memory, mindfulness. Mini Inquiry Body science.

Parent Positive Education Workshop - August 2021

Positive Education Workshop - an introduction

Finding your Inner Resources
