Monday, 10 February 2020

Goal Setting 2020

What’s the point of goal setting?

Channel passions and energy
Martin Seligman’s PERMA- just like our SPIRE - A for achievement, Positive Purpose……..
Achievements are required for us to feel masterful in our environments and in our lives, it’s about finding meaning.

4 Critical Functions:

1.Goals direct our attention, both cognitively and behaviourally, toward what matters.

2.Goals energise people, and difficult goals are more energising than easy goals or no goals.

3.Goals impact persistence, and hard goals particularly impact persistence because they prolong effort - impacts performance

4.Goals lead to the discovery of our skills and resources

Self-efficacy- self belief- that you can! ( Albert Bandura- remember those mastery experiences!)

Necessary to cultivate grit and flourish emotionally.

Bandura discovered that there are 4 ways to build self-efficacy

  1. Have  a good stress response
  2. Be near someone or have a role model who has accomplished the goal you want to accomplish
  3. Have a significant person around you who has faith in your abilities
  4. Have mastery experiences of accomplishing smaller goals that set the stage of accomplishment of larger goals


With Children’s goals- What’s worked in the past? What’s made it work? Highlights?

Owned and understood, alive
What we have influence over at school

What hasn’t worked so well?

Come back to Year 6 leavers profile
Whole child philosophy SPIRE, FLOURISH

Written reporting- messages that sends

What could goals cover that align to this then?

How many are realistic?

Sometimes may have  a bigger goal with kaizen steps…….

How will they be measurable?


Must be built in- helps ensure we do what we say we will do. 
Written goals drives commitment

What accountability measures do we already have in place?

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