Monday, 15 April 2019

Introduction to Positive Education/ Institute of Positive Education

Introduction to Positive Education Workshops
Jessica Taylor

  • Learning to Flourish
  • Exploring Character Strengths
  • Exploring the six domains of Positive Education
  • Learn it, live it, teach it, embed it


My ‘aha!’ Moment was the ‘you can’t stop the waves but you can learn how to surf’ phrase.. it really spoke to me.

Also the discussion around positive purpose being based on individual morals - For instance it might not be about doing something for others. I hadn’t really considered that before.

I liked the idea of using a model of a ‘level up’ for teaching children about failure. I can think about a number of kids in my base group who that could really speak to!!


I really liked the idea of Positive Psychology being a progression from Traditional Psychology. With traditional psychology being reactive to mental illness, Pos-Psy (as I like to call it) aims to be preventative.


1 comment:

  1. Really liked the idea of Positive Psychology being a progression from Traditional Psychology. With traditional psychology being reactive to mental illness, Pos-Psy (as i like to call it) aims to be preventative.
