Monday, 19 August 2019

Number Talks Planning and Discourse

We have set goals around our levels of discourse in the Maths Classroom. We will come back to these at team meetings on September 4th. 

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Learn it... Live it... Teach it... Embed it! Meeting Thurs, Week 8, Term 2

Lerner Agency - Motivation and Self- efficacy through Story Hui

For any learner, the motivation to learn is influenced by the belief in our abilities to be successful. 

As the continuum below shows, the more learners understand that learning will bring challenge and use a growth mindset to embrace it, the more that motivation to learn grows. 

At the same time, we need to develop the metacognition to spot our strengths and successes so we can build on our self-belief to be successful learners.

Teachers are learners too!

As teachers, every time we try something new in our practice we begin a learning journey. For this session, we looked at how our belief in our ability- self-efficacy- can influence our motivation to engage in learning and teaching through specific actions. We used Story Hui to share the experience of an action that has had a positive impact on a learner. This helped us to unpack the learning journey and celebrate the strengths and successes of the storytellers.