Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Parent Evening Planning- Tues 11th Sept and Mon 17th September

We started Tuesday with a reading from Scott and Ximena: 

We begun to plan for our parent evening in our teams. 

Breakdown of evening

Word cloud (Ximena, QR Code or Tiny URL)
When you were at school, what did Maths mean for you? 

Sorting into 4 groups (Suz)

Jude introduction

4 workshop rotation:

In last rotation parents answer question: For your children, what does Maths learning look like at Worser Bay?

Thanks Suz for Pos Ed starter:

We connected to Ranginui and Papatūanuku through our Pos Ed Started today :-)

The Five Ways to Wellbeing will help inspire and motivate your students to:
Connect with Ranginui/Sky Father and Papatūānuku/Earth Mother
Keep Learning about and Māori ancestral knowledge and our New Zealand history
Take Notice of the natural world and everything within it, including ourselves.

Writing Moderation

We looked at 4 writing samples and had in depth discussion about writing levels. We came back to the Writing Matrix

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Positive Education

Start with a focus (5 min)

Hikitia te ha: Yoga Great activity we can also use with students for Te Reo Maori week coming up soon.

Work in teams to browse the websites and find 3-5 resources that each space will work to use regularly. This will also create a shared bank of resources for us as a school. (15 minutes)

https://sparklers.org.nz/activities/ Autahi

https://www.teachstarter.com/blog/classroom-mindfulness-activities-for-children/ Tautoru

http://www.ipen-network.com/learningcontents Mahutonga/Matariki

Focus five

Feedback and Reflection (10 Min)

Feedback and Reflection Survey

Finisher: get with someone from a different team and share by doing one of the mindfulness activities your group has decided on. (5-10)

Monday, 3 September 2018

Exploration of Mathematical Ideas

PPI: Savouring through capitalising

Share a standout positive experience of yours with someone else. 

In doing so, provide specific detail about the event and how you felt with the aim of generating and reliving that positive experience.
Here are the slides from today's session:


Anna and Gillian shared Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning
Strengthen accuracy, efficiency and flexibility with these mental math and computation strategies
By Sherry D. Parrish


We also begun to plan for our parent evening in Week 9: Planning Doc We will have some more time on Tuesday.