Sunday, 17 June 2018

Using Seesaw as Formative Assessment

How can Seesaw be used as a formative assessment tool? 

In teams:
Go and evaluate 1 or 2 students in the area.

What does this do to tell the learning story? Formative assessment?
What do we need to develop?
What are the advantages? What is missing?
What conversations are we having?
What is evident in the pieces?
What does the next piece look like? 
Is the criteria evident? 
Is the child goal evident? 
Teacher reflection? 

Each teacher set a Seesaw Goal:
Seesaw Goals: 2 Weeks

Using "Skills" on Seesaw

"Teachers using Seesaw for formative assessments can now tag their students' posts with their own set of skills or standards. They can assign a simple 1-4 star rating to student work to get a real-time understanding of how students are progressing towards key curriculum objectives. Skills also helps teachers inform instructional practice and save time on reporting.

Skills and ratings are only visible to teachers and are fully customisable to the learning goals your class is working towards."

Activities on Seesaw

"Now you can easily create and share activities for your students to complete in Seesaw on iOS and the web. Get inspired with grade-level specific activities from our library, or create your own!"


This is a Collaborative Presentation set up by Allanah King for New New Zealand teachers. There are lots of ideas for using activities on Seesaw. Please add your ideas!

Guidelines for posting on Seesaw:

Is your post about learning? 
Remember to add a caption to say why you are adding the post.
This shows that I am learning to… 
This shows that I can… 
I figured out that… 
Wow! I did this for the first time… 
I am sharing this post because… 
I learnt that… 
I think that I did a good job with this because… 
This shows that I am meeting my goal… 
My next steps will be... 
I could improve this piece by... 
Next (time) I would like to try...

Matariki Logistics and Planning for Music Fest 2018

Here are some resources:

Ximena's Matariki Digital Resources

Matariki Folder

Suz's Matariki Presentation:

We also started to think about the Music Festival 2018

We started by looking at our Vision from 2016:
Music Vision 2016

Success Criteria for 2018

Have we given the kids a chance to brainstorm ideas?

Have we connected to Andreas’ work?

Does it connect to Innovation and Imagination? How explicit is this?

Is it fun? Are kids having fun? Are you having fun?

Do all kids get to STAR? Have a spike? A moment to shine?

Are there connections to other aspects of performing arts?

Are there connections to other curriculum areas?

Are there opportunities for audience participation?

Is the piece coherent, has impact, short sharp and simple?

Is it completely original?

We started to brainstorm initial ideas in teams... Exciting!

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

UDL in Action at Worser Bay School

At Worser Bay School, we are embracing the principles of Universal Design for Learning so that we can give individuals equal opportunities to learn. It is about flexible pathways so that learning can be personalised, rather than a one size fits all solution. In the past we thought about the average student’s needs and taught as though all of these children had the same needs. In reality all children are unique and as teachers, we need to teach in different ways.

There are three main principles of UDL:

1. Representation - Students have many ways to gain knowledge and information through multiple ways of presentation
e.g. non readers can not access information when it is presented in writing.

2. Expression - Students need to express themselves so that they can reflect and assess themselves.
Children who can’t write can’t express themselves if they are asked to put pen to paper.

3. Engagement - Students who are engaged and motivated to learn are more resilient and problem solve to complete tasks. Kevin Honeycutt says that learning to love to learn hinges on engagement and so this factor is essential in good curriculum design.

No two students are alike or learn in the same way therefore we have to teach students to think for themselves. There are greater opportunities for collaborative learning!

We worked in teams to prepare presentations about the strands of UDL across the school. 

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Active Demonstrating and UDL: Thursday Admin

Check in with Active Demonstrating goals: Goals and Reflection
Last year, we did a "Thinglink" to show UDL around the classroom. How have we moved on? What have we put in place for our learners? 

whole description.JPG

On Monday, you will do a 5 minute presentation per group to show how we are embedding strands of UDL in our spaces. Your group will take on one of the strands. You will have time to prepare for this during the session... 

Questions to consider: 
How are we doing this now? 
How are we reducing the barriers for our learners?
What are we doing in our spaces to ensure that we are planning for all of our students? Give examples.
What are our next steps? Literacy/ Maths/ Inquiry?

 You also need to read the 2 readings for Monday and give a short summary to a small group. 

Carl, Nicola, Hayley, Susie:
Provide multiple means of Engagement


To Help Students Learn, Engage the Emotions BY JESSICA LAHEY "It is literally neurobiologically impossible to think deeply about things that you don’t care about,” says the neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang." To Help Students Learn, Engage the Emotions.

Gillian, Shona, Anna, Suz:
Provide multiple means of Representation

Katie Novak: Million Dollar Question- what does UDL look like?


Scott, Ximena, Gabrielle, John:
Provide multiple means of Action and Expression

This is the future of education and it will change everything. We need to let students express themselves in ways that work for them… Sometimes we hold them back if we don’t give students a choice. Making ideas into reality at MIT's 'Future Factory'


Ideas during the session: 

Friday, 1 June 2018

Planning for Matariki 2018

Here is some information from the Admin meeting - Some background information for each of the 9 stars. Some Te Wanaga ō Aotearoa and some general stuff off KCC.

Date of celebrations at Worser Bay to be confirmed.

Well Being Meeting


Practising gratitude by sharing 1 thing we are grateful for for the Whanau day
With appreciative inquiry lens, what’s something we can build on to improve process for next time?
All share both - post-its


5 min Start off with getting back into our learn it, live it, teach it, embed it spectrum .. discuss if we have made any movement? Even a small step? If so, how? If not, why not? What next?

(30 min) In thinking about the powerful plan and some of the work we can do with kids to be proactive before needing a plan I thought maybe we could touch on some of the mindfulness stuff?

Stand Up Meeting

Questions: No right answers just get people thinking

Ask people to think about what mindfulness means to them?
How it can help?

Where it fits in the flourish model?
What are some Mindfulness activities/practices you are doing already?
Is mindfulness for everyone? Why or why not?
Moved to Autahi
Watched Just Breathe

Suz lead discussion of I am Powerful plan