Monday, 11 September 2017

Asia Awareness Staff Meeting: 18th September

How does Asia Awareness fit?
Vision, Learner attributes, Year 6 Leavers Profile, Inquiry, UDL, Cultural Competencies… Curriculum Document

How Asia Equipped is your school? Bus stop activity. Where are we at? What are our next steps?

Looking ahead to 2018 Action Plan

Some dates below for celebrations of languages and culture:

  • Maori Language Week: 11 to 17 September
  • Korean Language Week: 21 September to 1 October
  • Korea Festival: October
  • New Zealand Chinese Language Week: 16 to 22 October
  • Diwali: 19 to 23 October

Plan for these add to Asian Connections part of Inquiry plan.

Presentation from 13th March- Introduction to why we need to have a focus on Asia: 

Writing Moderation: September 11th 2017

Moderation is the process of teachers sharing their expectations and understanding of standards with each other in order to improve consistency of decisions about student learning.

Making consistent, reliable and valid decisions across different points in time is important when schools report student progress or compare cohort data with historical information.

Teacher Moderation notes: Writing Moderation: Term 3

Made with Padlet

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Alignment matrix PTC and Standards for the Teaching Profession: Admin 7th September

Our Codes, Our Standards

Alignment matrix PTC and Standards for the Teaching Profession

* teachers needing to be assessed for reregistration during the rest of this year, can still use their evidence they have collected against the PTCs

* from the start of 2018, teachers will need to start collecting evidence against the new Standards

* for attestations from the start of 2018, teachers are able to use a mix of evidence from the PTCs over the previous period and evidence against the new Standards, collected from the start of 2018. This will apply until the next time teacher come up for attestation. Essentially, for almost the next 3 years.

From Education Council:
I have attached the  matrix that shows how the PTC fit with the new Standards (and also the placement of the professional Standards as part of the collective agreement that sits with the PTC or from 2018 with the new Standards). What it means is that as you quite rightly point out, teachers will have evidence in relation to the PTC right up to whenever schools and centres make the change to the new Standards in their appraisal cycles. We are saying that would occur at the start of the appraisal cycle in 2018.
However, if my PC comes up for renewal in late 2018, I will have most of my evidence in relation to the PTC. This table can be used to show that as I met the PTC, the corresponding new Standard can be attested as met (using the right hand column to match to the left). Also, as we want everyone to have a summary report at the end of their appraisal cycle, that will say the my principal is satisfied I met the PTC in that annual cycle of 2017 or if I did not meet any of them which that is and what the timeframe and action to address that is.