Pos Ed

The Brain 


Growth Mindset

Growth mindset: practical tips you may not have tried yet- Guardian article

Why Educators Need to Change Their Approach to Growth Mindset: Blog post by Rachel Barker

Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff

The Yeti Monster

Maths: Everyone Can

Positive Relationships

Our school value is respect. We respect each other and build on positive relationships. We know that collaboration helps us with our learning as we learn from each other. We recognise that all have different strengths.


Being part of groups has lots of power. Belonging is so important- the need to belong is a fundamental human motivation. It is a need not simply a want.

 Positive Emotion

We experience positive emotions such as joy, love and gratitude. We are learning to recognise emotions in others and ourselves. We encourage students, our teachers and our community to build positive emotions in their lives.

Mental Health in Youth – Recommended Resources For Kids

Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness

Positive Health

We are learning to develop good habits for our mental and physical health. We are learning about the benefits of mindfulness and resilience. We know the importance of exercise, nutrition and sleep.

At 15 local schools, mornings that start with mindfulness help kids ‘de-escalate and reflect’

Kelly Mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend TED TALK

Positive Engagement

The aim of positive engagement is for all members of the School community to find sources of interest and passion in their lives.

Positive Accomplishment

We embrace challenges with grit, determination, hope, and a willingness to learn from our experiences. We are learning to set kaizen goals and reflect on these to inform our next steps.

Angela Duckworth: The power of passion and perseverance

Positive Purpose

We take action to make change. We draw on our character strengths to contribute to our school and community.


Character Strengths

Everyone has unique strengths. We use our character strengths to enhance our wellbeing, overcome challenges and work on our relationships.

Character Strengths in Action by Jennifer Hanson-Peterson and Dr Georgiana Cameron. Geelong: Institute of Pos Ed

Positive Education in the Classroom Positive wellbeing could also help students to do well at school. Students in school in Denmark know their strengths and values and know how to use them. “A great degree is a foot in the door for an interview. Thereafter they are looking for your qualities as a human being.”  

Lea Waters: How can we use our strengths to parent better? Strength Based parenting- being good at something not enough.

Lea explained that a strength has three elements:

• Performance – a child is good at it.

• Energy – it leaves them feeling energised and motivated.

• Use – a child will naturally choose to use that strength.

Teach girls bravery, not perfection: TED Talk by Reshma Saujani

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